Why is blue light bad for your eyes

Why is blue light bad for your eyes

The visible light spectrum includes blue light as a form of light. It is recognised to be damaging to the eyes since it can hurt the retina and has a shorter wavelength and more energy than other colours of light. Damage like this might impair vision and interfere...
Top 5 signs it’s time to replace your device

Top 5 signs it’s time to replace your device

Slow and unresponsive: If your device is constantly freezing, crashing, or taking forever to load, it’s probably time for a replacement. A slow and unresponsive device can be frustrating to use and can even prevent you from getting work done. Not compatible with...
7 way to extend the lifespan of your phone battery?

7 way to extend the lifespan of your phone battery?

Are you tired of your phone battery dying on you before the end of the day? If so, you’re not alone. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to extend the lifespan of your phone battery and keep it running smoothly. Summery of how to keep your...
How phones affect your sleep?

How phones affect your sleep?

How phones affect your sleep? How phones affect your sleep? Our mobile devices have become such an important and relied upon piece of technology That it’s often hard to put them down.    A consumer survey, conducted by Deloitte, found that:    64% of people...
Why mobile phones should be allowed in schools?

Why mobile phones should be allowed in schools?

Why mobile phones should be allowed in schools? Some teachers and parents believe that their kids should not be allowed to take their mobile phones into school, and I can understand why. Because for some students they can be a massive distraction to their learning and...