• Slow and unresponsive:

If your device is constantly freezing, crashing, or taking forever to load, it’s probably time for a replacement. A slow and unresponsive device can be frustrating to use and can even prevent you from getting work done.

  • Not compatible with new software or updates: 

Technology is constantly evolving, and if your device can’t keep up, it may be time to upgrade. If you’re not able to install the latest software or updates on your device, it may not be able to perform at its best.

For example Apple have a list of phones, that they discontinue the updates for.

  • Physical damage:

If your device has cracks, scratches, or other physical damage, it’s not only unsightly, but it can also affect its performance. Physical damage can make your device more susceptible to water damage, breakage, and other issues, so it’s best to replace it before it gets worse.

Prolong phone life
  • Outdated:

Just like with software, hardware also becomes outdated over time. If your device is more than a few years old, it may not be able to keep up with the latest technology and advancements. Investing in a newer model can provide better performance and features.

  • It’s not meeting your needs:

Finally, if your device is no longer meeting your needs or keeping up with your lifestyle, it may be time to consider a replacement. For example, if you’ve recently started a new hobby or job that requires more power or specialized features, your current device may not be able to handle it.

How to prolong your phone life span?

new phone

1. Keep your phone updated: Make sure to regularly update your phone’s software, as these updates often include performance and security enhancements that can help prolong your phone’s life.

2. Avoid exposing your phone to extreme temperatures: Extreme temperatures can cause damage to your phone’s battery and other components. Avoid leaving your phone in a hot car or in direct sunlight for extended periods of time, and avoid exposing it to freezing temperatures.

3. Use a protective case: Using a protective case can help protect your phone from scratches, dents, and other types of damage.

4. Be careful how you charge your phone: Overcharging your phone can damage the battery, so avoid leaving your phone plugged in overnight or for extended periods of time.

5. Use your phone wisely: Avoid using your phone excessively, and avoid using resource-intensive apps or games that can drain your battery and put strain on the phone’s components. Instead, use your phone in moderation and close apps when you’re not using them.

If you have come to the conclusion that you need a new device, you have a few options. You can either try to repair your existing device, or you can sell it at our local shop in Nottingham, Carlton.

Ifix is located at 312 Carlton Hill, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1GD. If you decide to visit Ifix, you can speak with our knowledgeable staff about the best options for your device. Whether you need a repair or are looking to upgrade to a new device, Ifix can help.

iFix Carlton

Is your phone broken or smashed? Come down to your No.1 local phone shop today for a quote or give us a quick call for more information and prices.

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iFix Carlton

Is your phone broken or smashed? Come down to your No.1 local phone shop today for a quote or give us a quick call for more information and prices.