The visible light spectrum includes blue light as a form of light. It is recognised to be damaging to the eyes since it can hurt the retina and has a shorter wavelength and more energy than other colours of light. Damage like this might impair vision and interfere with the body’s regular sleep cycles.

Use blue light-blocking eyewear, modify the settings on electronic devices, avoid using them at night, switch to LED bulbs, and take frequent pauses from gazing at screens to reduce the negative effects of blue light.

You can download a plugin like flux that shields your eyes from blue light if you spend a lot of time on displays.

Flux replaces the blue light with a yellow hue that is softer on the eyes and can lessen the likelihood of developing symptoms like headaches, eye strain, and trouble falling asleep.

Why is blue light bad for your eyes?

The visible light spectrum includes blue light as a form of light. It is recognised to be damaging to the eyes since it can hurt the retina and has a shorter wavelength and more energy than other colours of light.

Damage like this can result in vision issues like age-related macular degeneration, which is one of the main causes of blindness in older people. Blue light can harm the retina and interfere with the body’s natural sleep cycles, which can result in weariness and other health issues.

It’s crucial to limit your exposure to blue light for these reasons, especially at night.

Blue light

what is the best way to avoid blue light?

    1. Wear blue light-blocking eyewear. These eyewear items contain unique lenses that block out blue light, lessening the risk of eye damage. I can recommend one company called Ocushield. They have medically rated blue light blockers like glasses, Screen protectors and even lamps.


    1. Change the settings on your gadgets: The majority of electronic gadgets, including TVs, computers, and mobile phones, have options that let you lower the amount of blue light they generate.


    1. Limit your use of electronics at night: Try to limit your use of electronics, especially those with screens, in the hours before bed. By doing this, you can avoid upsetting your body’s regular sleeping habits.


    1. Use light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs. LED lights are a superior choice for illuminating your home, especially at night, because they emit less blue light than other types of bulbs.


    1. Take frequent pauses: Take several breaks throughout the day to give your eyes a vacation from electronic screens. Try the 20-20-20 rule, which states that you should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This can lessen tiredness and eye strain.


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